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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 203-397

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Solving the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem on the Hypercube

Ilse C. F. Ipsen and Elizabeth R. Jessup

pp. 203-229

Computation of Geodesic Trajectories on Tubular Surfaces

James Sneyd and Charles S. Peskin

pp. 230-241

Computation of Exponential Splines

Brian J. McCartin

pp. 242-262

A Matrix Problem with Application to Rapid Solution of Integral Equations

Lothar Reichel

pp. 263-280

A Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Bilevel Programming Problem

Jonathan F. Bard and James T. Moore

pp. 281-292

A Deterministic Approximation of Diffusion Equations Using Particles

Pierre Degond and Francisco-José Mustieles

pp. 293-310

Finite-Element Preconditioning for Pseudospectral Solutions of Elliptic Problems

M. O. Deville and E. H. Mund

pp. 311-342

Nodal Superconvergence and Solution Enhancement for a Class of Finite-Element and Finite-Difference Methods

R. J. MacKinnon and G. F. Carey

pp. 343-353

Vectorization of the Odd–Even Hopscotch Scheme and the Alternating Direction Implicit Scheme for the Two-Dimensional Burgers Equations

E. D. de Goede and J. H. M. ten Thije Boonkkamp

pp. 354-367

Timing Analysis of the Monotonic Logical Grid for Many-Body Dynamics

J. M. Picone, S. G. Lambrakos, and J. P. Boris

pp. 368-388

A Note on the Use of Symmetric Line Gauss–Seidel for the Steady Upwind Differenced Euler Equations

Wim A. Mulder

pp. 389-397